What I Read November 20th-26th

You will find some interesting stories here!

Dr. Tracy Davis
2 min readNov 27, 2022


Photo by Joel Muniz on Unsplash

Tracy’s Reading List Here:

I have decided to collect and share the stories I read every week. Other writers have inspired me on Medium, such as Jennifer Barrios Tettay who regularly highlights other writers. Jennifer has a new publication called Your Voice Matters, which you can read more about here:

Overall, I’m slightly disappointed in myself for only reading 24 stories this week. Normally, I read a lot more on my train ride home from work. However, this week was my birthday, Thanksgiving, and I did have a friend in town visiting from another country. So, I’ll give myself some slack and step it up this coming week!

Another favorite this week comes from Pamela Oglesby on building trust. It can be…



Dr. Tracy Davis

Doctorate in Educational Leadership Multipassionate, Energy Healing, Productivity, Travel, and Personal Development. https://linktr.ee/trayceedee