Setting Realistic Goals Is The Key To Getting Important Things Done

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Dr. Tracy Davis


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Setting realistic goals: When most people think about goals, they think about vision boards and long-term objectives. It’s not a bad idea to have those things, but you also want to be realistic and set goals that are measurable. And oftentimes, this means breaking it down into smaller goals and shorter timelines.

Focus on how you can connect with goals that are meaningful to you

The best way to set goals is to focus on the process of reaching them, not just the end result.

Most people set goals like this: “I want to lose weight.” But that’s a goal that may only ever be partially achieved. You’ll lose some weight, but it may not be all you want it to be. And once you’re at your desired weight, what will you do then?

Instead, it’s better to focus on how you can connect with your goal. For example, here are two different ways of thinking about losing weight:

“I want to feel more energetic and healthy.” This is a goal that can be achieved by eating well and exercising regularly — no matter what size or shape you are in. It’s something that will sustain itself over time because it’s not dependent on a certain number on the scale or an outfit fitting better in the closet (which are both external factors).

In order to set goals that matter and are achievable, it’s important to focus on what you can realistically achieve in the next three to six months. Here are some examples:

  • Ask for a raise at work
  • Improve your health by exercising more and eating better
  • Travel somewhere new with your friends and family

End with a plan for how you’ll get from where you are now to where you want to be

The process of goal-setting looks easy, but it’s not always easy to know how to develop a plan for setting realistic goals and achieving them. Here are some tips for developing your plan:

  • Break down each step into smaller tasks. For example, if one of your goals is to run a marathon by the end of 2022…



Dr. Tracy Davis

Doctorate in Educational Leadership Multipassionate, Energy Healing, Productivity, travel, and personal development.