I’m Going to Have to Commit to Early Morning Writing

If I want to stay consistent

Dr. Tracy Davis
2 min readJul 1, 2024


sunrise over blue water
Photo by Danijel Durkovic on Unsplash

It’s on my to-do list to sit down and write.

I feel like I’ll get to it eventually so I brush it off. Then, I move it on my calendar because it’s negotiable to me.

Other things feel more pressing that I need to get done.

But the thing is, I like writing.

It’s not just the allure of earning an income from it, it’s therapeutic.

Through writing, I have processed emotions and experiences and pushed through creative blocks.

Recently, I started reading The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron. (Amazon affiliate link).

It’s a method and lifestyle to embrace that creativity we all have inside of us.

One of the very first tasks is to start something called Morning Pages. It’s three pages of unedited writing first thing in the morning.

I understand the premise of getting it done in the morning when your brain is still fresh and processing parts of the subconscious mind that have been working overnight.

If I want to commit to writing on Medium and starting my morning pages, then I need to wake up earlier.



Dr. Tracy Davis

Doctorate in Educational Leadership Multipassionate, Energy Healing, Productivity, Travel, and Personal Development. https://linktr.ee/trayceedee